Located in the heart of Mikkeli, Restaurant Pruuvi is a paradise for those who enjoy delicious food. Local and international cuisine. Great wines to accompany the food, plus home-brewed beer.
Wine and Dine Restaurant Pruuvi (Restaurants, food restaurants)
The map should point to Raatihuoneenkatu 4, 50100, Mikkeli. If not, try this instead 61.686877,27.274466
The site-specific sustainability actions were reported by the company. The company is responsible for the accuracy of the information.
- We support the local economy in a responsible manner 3 / 3
- We treasure cultural heritage 3 / 3
- We are environmentally friendly 11 / 17
- We are consistent in sustainability 4 / 6
- Contact
- ravintola.paamajasok.fi, sales.suur-savosok.fi
- Raatihuoneenkatu 4
- 50100, Mikkeli